Can Pets Eat Yogurt and Kefir?

The issue of ensuring optimal gut health in pets is becoming a widely talked about topic, and while there are high-quality pet probiotic supplements widely available today, it's still a good idea to let your fur buddies acqui…

Is Cheese Good for Your Pets?

Loved for its creamy and mildly salty flavor, cheese is one of the most common food ingredients used in pasta, salads, bread spreads and sauces. But is this delicious dairy product safe for your pets, in small amounts? It is, a…

How to Treat a Dog UTI

Does your canine companion seem to be having trouble going to the bathroom? It could be a UTI. But don’t worry—it’s usually easy to treat .   Background 1 Urinary tract infections are totally common in dogs . In fact, a …

How to Prevent UTI in Dogs

A urinary tract infection (UTI) in dogs occurs when bacteria infects your dog's immune system. In many cases, UTIs are undetectable in dogs, and sometimes there are no discernible symptoms at all. They can cause pain during…

How to Detect Skin Cancer in Dogs

Most people don’t consider that their dog can get skin cancer. The truth is that skin cancer is frequently diagnosed in dogs. There are three main types of skin cancer in dogs, all of which can be life threatening. Whichever ty…

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