How to Spot an Epulis in Dogs


An epulis is a tumor that grows in the mouths of some dogs. It typically forms in the gums near the incisors, growing out of the connective ligaments that hold your dog's teeth in place. Though epulis tumors are usually benign, some highly invasive tumors are considered cancerous, and even benign tumors can cause pain and discomfort. There is a high success rate in removing and treating epulis tumors in dogs, especially if you catch them early. Talk to your veterinarian about your dog's risk of epulis and bring your dog in for an exam immediately if you see signs of a tumor growing on the gums.

Identifying an Epulis

1 Assess your dog's risk. Any dog may be susceptible to an epulis tumor; however, some dogs are more prone to this tumor than others, based on their breed and age. By learning your dog's risk of an epulis, you can be more proactive in monitoring your dog's health and looking for any signs of malignant growth in your dog's mouth.

Brachycephalic (short faced) breeds of dog are more likely to develop epulis tumors. This breed category includes dogs that have very short muzzles and noses, including boxers and bulldogs.

Both sexes are equally susceptible to epulis tumors. The main factors are age and breed.

Dogs typically develop epulis tumors in their middle-aged years, usually around the age of seven.


2Check your dog's gums. An epulis is an oral tumor, meaning it only afflicts a dog's mouth; however, there are a number of places within the mouth where it may appear. The most common areas are on the edges of the gums or between the dog's teeth.

Because an epulis can form in multiple places, it may be difficult to diagnose at home if you don't know what you're looking for.

You should typically see some type of firm growth attached to the gum, usually by a stem or stalk-like body.

An epulis is almost always the same color as the dog's gum tissue and may have a smooth or rough appearance, depending on the type of epulis.


3Identify the different types of epulis. There are three main types of epulis tumors that afflict dogs. They are differentiated based on their composition, appearance, and location in your dog's mouth.

Peripheral odontogenic fibroma (POF). Formerly called a fibromatous epulis, this type of tumor is situated on the marginal edges of the gums, usually with a smooth, pink appearance. It consists of tough and fibrous gum tissue.

Ossifying epulis. This kind of tumor has a smooth, polished appearance due to the presence of bone cells mixed with fibrous tissue.

Acanthomatous ameloblastoma. These tumors, which may appear smooth or raw, are typically located on the front portion of the dog's lower jaw. It usually has its origins in the ligament that holds a given tooth's roots into the jawbone.

4Recognize the symptoms of an epulis. The physical presence of a growth between the teeth is usually what clues in most dog owners to their pet's affliction. There are several other symptoms that are commonly seen in dogs with an epulis. These symptoms may include:

Frequent drooling

Difficulty eating

Reduced appetite

Bad breath

Bleeding from the tumor

Misaligned teeth surrounding the tumor

Difficulty breathing


Getting Treatment

1 Visit your veterinarian. If you think you've spotted an epulis, it's imperative that you get your dog to a vet appointment as soon as possible. Only a veterinarian can definitively diagnose a growth as an epulis, and even your vet will need to conduct tests to determine whether it is benign (a harmless cancer) or malignant (a cancer liable to be aggressive or spread to other parts of the body.


 2Have medical testing performed. As part of your visit, your vet will perform a general physical examination in addition to a range of medical tests on the tumor itself. Your vet will also run blood tests to assess the overall health of your dog. This is usually done to identify any other underlying medical problems which may complicate the treatment plan your vet recommends.

Your vet will need to either perform a biopsy of the tumor or perform an aspiration to determine whether the tissue is malignant. An aspiration involves a needle puncture to draw cells out of the lymph node and the tumor.

During the procedure, your vet may take a radiograph of your dog's mouth. This is a type of X-ray imaging used to determine how deep the tumor is situated in your dog's gums.

Your vet may also take a radiograph of your dog's chest to see if the tumor has spread to the lungs. The chest radiograph can also be used to assess your dog's ability to undergo anesthesia, should it be necessary for the treatment.

In lieu of a radiograph or in addition to it, your vet may perform a CT scan to check whether the cancer has spread to the lungs and, if it has, how extensively.


3 Remove the tumor. With treatment, there is a good chance (around 95%) that your dog will make a full recovery; however, if any part of the tumor is left behind, or if the tumor is malignant and the cancer has spread, your dog may have a different prognosis for recovery. Only your vet can assess the best treatment option and perform the actual removal.

Depending on the size of the tumor, your vet may be able to treat your dog using radiation therapy alone.

For most epulis tumors, surgery will be required.

When the tumor is surgically removed, the vet performing the surgery will need to remove all of the tissues up to and including the periodontal ligament where the tumor originated.

Some surgeries will require the removal of the affected teeth, usually including one or more surrounding teeth as well. Your vet may also need to remove some bone to ensure the tumor does not regrow.

Extensive tumors may require the removal of part of the affected jaw on your dog. This is a decision that your vet will have to make on a case-by-case basis.


Helping Your Dog Recover

1 Use a restrictive collar (cone). The purpose of the restrictive collar is to prevent your dog from scratching the wound with its paws. This can delay the healing process and may even cause an infection. You will need to use the restrictive collar for around 10 to 14 days, or whatever duration your vet recommends.

Your vet will most likely provide you with the restrictive collar and any instructions you'll need to maintain your dog's health during the recovery period.

If your vet does not specify, ask how long your dog will need the collar.

2 Make feeding accommodations. After surgery, your dog may have some limited ability to use their mouth. This usually improves over time, but you'll need to use soft food for at least two to three weeks after the surgery.

Use soft canned food to make it easier for your dog to chew. If canned food is not an option, you can soak dry kibble in water until it is softened and almost mushy.

Depending on the extent of the surgery and whether any portion of the jaw was removed, your dog may need a feeding tube during this time.


3 Limit or restrict your dog's activity. After your dog's surgery, you will need to ensure your pet receives plenty of rest. Activity restrictions should last approximately two to four weeks, depending on your vet's recommendations. During this time, your dog will need to have limited activity to allow the incision and any other surgical wounds to heal.

Your dog should not be allowed to use chew toys, rawhides, or balls until the wounds are completely healed. In some dogs, this may take up to four weeks.


4 Bring your dog in for a follow-up exam. You may need to bring your dog in for a follow-up, postoperative exam before your vet can determine that it's safe to stop using the restrictive collar. Your vet will also want to assess the wound to see how well it has healed. Some dogs experience minor complications that may require further procedures, though these would be significantly less serious than the actual surgery.

Incision breakdown is common. This involves a deterioration at the site of the surgery.

Some dogs have increased salivation after this type of surgery. It is usually temporary, but it may persist in some dogs.

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